This Augmented Reality furniture app is a mobile app that uses Augmented Reality technology to allow users to visualise how different pieces of furniture would look in their home before they make a purchase. These apps typically use a smartphone's camera to capture an image of the user's living space and then allow the user to virtually place different pieces of furniture in the space to see how they would fit and look.
This can be a valuable tool for people looking to furnish their home and want to see how different options would fit and look in their space and even change the materials of the furniture items in the Augmented Reality view for better decision making.

My team and I presented a paper written in an IEEE format. The link to the paper is given below.
The project was implemented using the Unity3D game engine, and programming was done in C#.
For modelling and texturing the scene, the popular 3D software Blender was used.
For implementing Augmented Reality in Unity, packages like ARFoundation, ARCore and ARKit were used.

What is an E-Commerce Furniture App?
An E-Commerce furniture app is a mobile app that allows users to browse and purchase furniture online. These apps typically feature a wide range of furniture options, including items for the living room, bedroom, kitchen, and more. Users can browse through different furniture categories and view detailed product information, such as dimensions, materials, and pricing. 
What is Augmented Reality?
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that allows users to interact with virtual objects and information in the real world. This is achieved by overlaying digital images and information on top of a user's view of the physical world, typically through a smartphone or other device with a camera.
One of the key benefits of augmented reality is that it allows users to integrate virtual information and experiences into their physical environment seamlessly. This can provide users with real-time information and assistance, such as directions or product information, to help them make more informed decisions and improve their overall experience.
Advantages of using Augmented Reality 
Try before you buy
AR enhances physical objects with digital content, so customers can see how a new sofa would look in their apartment in real-time without any risk of paying for something that doesn't fit. This way, customers can virtually try out furniture, not worrying about bad decisions, which removes a huge weight from their shoulders before the big purchase.
Product customization
Before purchasing, users can visualise and modify the furniture's colour and placement. This way, furniture companies can help cut down on the anxiety customers face while shopping for furniture, giving them a plethora of choices to test and allowing them to buy their favourite item with one click. 
In-store engagement
Shoppers look up product information, reviews, and prices on their mobile phones in the store. With AR, companies can use digital imagery throughout the store to share information, tips, tricks, and how-tos. AR is also convenient for in-store navigation and loyalty rewards.
If you are interested in this application's User Interface and User Experience Design case study, please click on the image below, where I have conducted a case study and designed an interactive User Interface for the online shopping furniture app.
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